
How To Make A Paper Tie

Adele has been a youth services librarian for 22 years, and a Harry Potter fan for 18 years.

How to Make a No-Sew Harry Potter House Tie

How to Make a No-Stitch Harry Potter House Necktie

Making a Harry Potter House Necktie for a Costume

When you accept a "house tie" sporting the colors of one of the houses of Hogwarts, you are well on your manner to having a costume for a Harry Potter party or activity. You lot tin can simply pair it with a white shirt, or y'all tin can dig up a blackness graduation robe to add to your costume. If y'all desire to become as Harry Potter himself, add a pair of circular glasses and draw a footling lightning bolt on your forehead.

**Note: You tin get the printable template for the tie by scrolling down and clicking the orangish link. That will take you to a PDF file.

A No-Stitch Culling

When I was tasked with coming up with a craft for a Harry Potter library program, I constitute instructions for sewing ties out of felt, but I wanted to come with a no-sew variety for fifty+ children who were going to come to the library program.

Hither'southward what I came up with: a tie that is held together with a certain kind of glue called "tacky glue" and Velcro that is stapled on to the neckpiece. It worked well. The children were able to consummate them apace and vesture them out of the library.

Items Needed for a No-Sew together Harry Potter Tie

You'll need the following five things.

1. Felt in House Colors

Yous'll need some pieces of felt that are at least 13"Ten 3" for the base color of the necktie. I concluded up ownership the felt past the chiliad because the felt rectangles that measure almost 9" X 12" aren't big enough to brand the whole tie.

On the other hand, the felt rectangles volition piece of work just fine for the stripes. You can brand two sets of stripes out of one ix" X 12" rectangle.

You will also need a piece of each base colour that measures 20" ten ¾" to make the cervix strap.

Official House Colors

Here are the official Business firm Colors according to none other than J.K. Rowling on her Pottermore site:

  • Gryffindor: Carmine and Gold
  • Slytherin: Light-green and Argent
  • Hufflepuff: Yellow and Black
  • Ravenclaw: Blue and Statuary

In practicality, most people employ grey for silverish and a goldenrod color for the gold. For bronze, you can utilise a dark tan color. I've noticed that most people employ a muted red or burgundy for the colour of Gryffindor, every bit well.

two. Tie Template

Yous can get the post-obit templates in two ways. Ane is this PDF file. The other option is to re-create and paste the following template photos into a program like Word or Publisher. So, enlarge the template until it's eight ½" past 11". I've put it in 2 sections and so that you can impress it two pages of regular printer paper, and then join them together with tape. The rounded tiptop will be folded over later so that the neck strap tin can go through information technology.

Tie Template: Top


Tie Template: Bottom


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3. Tacky Glue

I use Aleene'due south tacky glue. It has more than adhering power than Elmer's, and y'all don't need as much to agree it. Y'all also don't accept to deal with hot glue, which can be a problem if you are doing this arts and crafts with a grouping of kids. It does take a little while to dry, and it is Not washable, since it's water-based.

I have institute that the stripes stay on pretty well, even if they aren't dry. When yous mucilage the top of the tie over, you lot can concord it together with a gold paper clip. The kid can still vesture it right away, and the clip kind of blends into the décor. In one case the tie is dry, you can take the clip off.

four. Velcro Squares

I needed supplies for about a hundred ties, so I bought a packet of squares. They are the "stick-on" kind, simply the sticky stuff doesn't work well at all on felt. Fortunately, it is really like shooting fish in a barrel to staple the squares onto the felt collar, and you won't even come across the staples if you lot tuck the neckband nether the collar of a shirt.

v. Jumbo Gold Paper Clips

If you buy a box of colossal aureate paper clips, you lot tin can employ them to hold the height portion of the necktie while it dries.

How to Assemble Your Harry Potter Tie

Hither are the steps, illustrated with photos.

1. Use the Tie Template to Cutting a Tie Shape From Your Base Color. (Gryffindor Would Be Red, Slytherin Would Exist Green, Etc.)


2. Cutting Stripes From the Contrasting Color.

The stripes can be of nearly any thickness. Merely make sure they are a piddling bit wider than the necktie.

three. Arrange the Stripes Diagonally; Then Glue Them to the Tie.


four. Trim the Edges of the Stripes to Brand Them Even With the Tie.


5. Apply Glue to the Top of the Tie; Then Fold over the Peak Half of the Circle.


6. Spike With a Gilt Paper Clip.

How to Make a No-Sew Harry Potter House Tie:  Instructions

How to Make a No-Sew together Harry Potter Firm Tie: Instructions

seven. Cut a Neckband 20" 10 ¾". Thread It Through the Elevation of the Necktie.


8. Attach the Velcro to the Ends of the Neckband, and And so Staple.


Here Is Your Harry Potter Tie, All Ready to Wear.

How to Make a No-Sew Harry Potter House Tie:  Instructions

How to Make a No-Sew Harry Potter House Tie: Instructions

Questions & Answers

Question: Tin I employ paper for this?

Answer: Sure. If you'd rather apply newspaper than felt, y'all can practise it. I would still use a strip of material or a wide ribbon for the part that goes around the cervix because paper is uncomfortable and tears easily.

Cee-Jay Aurinko from Cape Town, South Africa on September 04, 2016:

I enjoyed reading this post Adele. I actually want to make me one of those now. :)

How To Make A Paper Tie,


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