
How Long Does A Phone Number Stay Inactive

  1. How Long Earlier Disconnected Number Goes Dorsum Into Puddle To Be Reassigned?


    Does anyone know how long later on an account is terminated for non-payment and an ETF is billed would it exist before the number is subject to beingness assigned to a new customer?



    ELVIS has left the building

  2. recycling jail cell number

  3. lol i tried calling my old number and some1 has information technology.. SUCKS for them

  4. When I had T-Mobile, I was getting calls for the previous owner of the number fifty-fifty viii months after I had the number. His friends (who didn't believe that I didn't know where he was), sales calls, medical clinic calls (who also didn't believe that I wasn't him), all kept calling me over and over. I gave up and didn't port the number when I left.

  5. It's really fun when the previous person was a deadbeat who was dodging creditors!

  6. Quote Originally Posted by opdave2001


    Does anyone know how long later on an account is terminated for non-payment and an ETF is billed would it exist earlier the number is subject to being assigned to a new customer?

    Most phone companies, including VZW, "age" asunder numbers -- that is, keep them unavailable for consignment to other customers -- for 60 to 90 days. (The major exception to this is in the VoIP world, where number turnover is a lot higher and aging periods can be as brusk as a day or ii. I once disconnected service with one VoIP provider and somehow got the very same number with another provider using the same wholesale provider a couple of weeks later. A couple of reseller-oriented providers I utilize currently don't historic period numbers at all and make them available to new customers immediately upon disconnecting numbers or service, the idea being that customers volition historic period numbers themselves.)

    Note that if yous ported in a number from another carrier, that the number goes back to the original carrier after the crumbling menses -- the carrier you ported to doesn't become to keep it.


  7. the picture i'm getting is that service for a number stays re-activate-able for 180 days after the last payment (for prepaid), at which bespeak the number is completely disconnected or cancelled -- only then goes through another 30-ninety twenty-four hours waiting period before it'south actually eligible to be assigned to a dissimilar user. does this sound correct?

  8. Quote Originally Posted by pms365 View Post

    the picture i'm getting is that service for a number stays re-actuate-able for 180 days after the last payment (for prepaid), at which point the number is completely disconnected or cancelled -- but and then goes through another thirty-xc day waiting menstruum before it'southward actually eligible to be assigned to a different user. does this sound right?

    How do people find these threads?

    Verizon Wireless - More confined in more than places on the now network.

  9. Quote Originally Posted past readability View Post

    How do people find these threads?


    via the HoFo App

  10. Quote Originally Posted past opdave2001 View Post


    Does anyone know how long subsequently an business relationship is terminated for not-payment and an ETF is billed would it be before the number is subject to existence assigned to a new customer?



    49 days. On day 50, the number goes dorsum to Verizon to reassign.

  11. Quote Originally Posted past OldEngineer View Post

    Information technology's really fun when the previous person was a deadbeat who was dodging creditors!

    That'southward actually a win; it'south ridiculously easy to allurement collection agencies into violations of the Off-white Debt Collection Practices Act and/or Telephone Consumer Protection Act. They're so eager to collect that they completely ignore regulatory compliance and even common sense.

    FDCPA violations are worth $1,000 per incident, TCPA worth $1,500. Those are statutory damages, meaning y'all're entitled to them without having to prove actual damages. Well worth a tiny bit of paperwork, some postage, and a telephone recorder.

  12. My married woman got a new number from Pageplus (Verizon) over a year ago. She even so routinely gets calls for whomever had the number earlier, including repeated calls from a individual investigator in California. Non a very skillful private investigator I presume. We alive in Kansas.


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