
How Long Do Laptops Last On Average

Unsure of how long your laptop'south battery should last? Or, practise y'all want to know if it'south fourth dimension to upgrade your laptop? In this guide, we encompass what the average lifespan of a laptop is as well every bit discuss how long your laptop's bombardment should terminal.

How Long Do Laptops LastHow long a laptop should last depends on a number of different factors. And, there are two different branches of that question.

  1. What is the average lifespan of a laptop?
  2. What is the average lifespan of a laptop battery?

If yous stumbled onto this page, then you are likely looking for the answer to one of those questions. And so, we've broken this guide downwardly into 2 sections.

In the first department, we'll talk over how long laptops should terminal as well equally how you can prolong their lifespan. And, in the 2d section, we'll become over how long a laptop's battery life should be, besides as how you can increase your laptop's battery life.

How Long Practise Laptops Last Before Y'all Need to Replace Them?

There are a few different factors that will determine how long you can use a laptop for before it either becomes obsolete or becomes unusable for your needs.

  1. The specific hardware within of the laptop
  2. The types of tasks that the laptop volition exist used for
  3. How the laptop is treated

Permit's talk over each of those iii points a little more than.

A Laptop's Hardware Will Decide How Long it Will Remain Relevant

The main factor in determining a laptops average lifespan is what kind of hardware (components) the laptop has within of it.

The better the processor, and graphics card (if you're gaming), and the more RAM and storage a laptop has, the longer information technology volition remain relevant for modernistic tasks.

And so, substantially, the more than you spend on a laptop, the longer you lot should expect information technology to last.

Here is a full general breakdown of how long a laptop will be relevant based on the toll you pay for it:

  • Less than $700: ii-four years
  • $700-$ane,000: 3-5 years
  • $one,000 or more: 4-7 years

This, again, is a general breakdown of what you tin can expect (in terms of lifespan) out of a new laptop. The types of ways in which you utilize a laptop volition play a significant role in how long your laptop lasts.

The Tasks Y'all Demand Your Laptop to Perform Volition Determine How Long it Remains Relevant

The more demanding of tasks you demand your laptop to perform (like gaming, video editing, graphics blueprint, etc.) the less corporeality of time it volition remain relevant.

On the flip side, the less demanding of tasks y'all need your laptop to perform (email, web browsing, watching videos, etc.) the longer it will remain a viable pick.

So, really, the question of how long a laptop should concluding is twofold in that it depends on both A) the kind of hardware that is inside of it, and B) what you are using it for.

A mid-range laptop should probably last around 4-5 years, though, give-or-have a yr or two depending on how you use it.

The other thing to factor in is how yous treat your laptop for the time that you have it.

The Better Care You lot Take of Your Laptop, the Longer it Will Last

In 2008 I got a new laptop for nigh ~$800. I used the laptop mainly for web browsing, email, watching videos, and some casual gaming.

By 2012 the laptop was no longer usable.

Why? Considering the charging jack was completely shot.

And, the reason why the charging jack was completely shot was that I constantly overcharged the laptop. I always forgot to unplug the charger afterwards it had reached total battery life.

The laptop was still fine for tasks similar web browsing, sending emails, and watching videos. (Although, by 2012 it really wasn't feasible for even coincidental gaming.)

Merely its lifespan was cut short considering I didn't take intendance of information technology.

I probably could accept easily gotten some other couple of years out of information technology (for bones tasks) if I would have managed the charging process better.

So, if you want to increment the lifespan of your laptop, make sure you take good care of information technology. Beneath is a list of things you can practise to ensure you keep your laptop in good shape.

How to Prolong Your Laptop's Lifespan

  1. Take the charging cablevision out when your laptop is fully charged
  2. Open up your laptop and clean every couple of months
  3. Utilize a laptop cooling pad to help information technology run at lower temperatures
  4. Proceed food and liquids away from your laptop
  5. Use an antivirus software (I use Webroot)
  6. Upgrade your laptop where possible (more RAM, or add an SSD)

How Long Practice Gaming Laptops Last?

Gaming Laptop Lifespan

For general tasks similar sending emails, using a discussion processor, browsing the internet, and watching videos, even upkeep-friendly laptops should final four-5 years at a minimum (every bit long as yous take good intendance of it).

However, if you're a gamer, the more demanding nature of playing video games means that y'all should expect a shorter lifespan for your laptop—at least, in terms of its ability to run mod games.

As fourth dimension goes on, modern games advance in graphics and complexity and, as a result, need amend hardware to run.

So, a mid-range gaming laptop may only last a few years before it starts having trouble running newer games.

Of course, though, the more you spend on your gaming laptop at present, the longer you should expect it to be able to handle newer games.

Only, from a general standpoint, you tin use the following to assistance you determine how long a gaming laptop should concluding:

  • Less than $700: ii-3 years
  • $700-$1,500: 3-4 years
  • $i,500 or more: 4-half dozen years

This, of course, is a very general idea of the boilerplate lifespan of a gaming laptop. Another cistron that comes into play is what you lot wait out of your in-game experience.

If you only like to play your games on the highest graphics settings, yous're going to want to upgrade to a newer and ameliorate laptop sooner.

If you don't mind playing games on lower graphics settings, you can probably go another couple years out of your laptop.

Looking for a laptop for gaming? Check out our listing of the Best RTX 3070 Gaming Laptops.

How Long Should A Laptop Bombardment Final (on a Unmarried Charge)?

For the question "how long should a laptop bombardment terminal," in that location are two ways to look at.

The first is how long a laptop battery should last on a single charge.

And, second, how long a laptop battery will last earlier it completely dies.

Boilerplate Single Charge Duration for A Laptop

How Long Should A Laptop Last?

The boilerplate unmarried charge duration for a laptop can range quite a chip depending on 2 things

  1. The quality/type of the battery within your laptop
  2. How you use your laptop.

The quality of the laptop battery is apparently going to depend partly on how much yous spend on your laptop. Nonetheless, it'due south of import to note that even some of the more than powerful laptops out there don't come with batteries that match the organisation's cost tag.

So, it'south important to do your enquiry when ownership a new laptop and check reviews to come across how long of a unmarried charge battery life y'all tin can expect.

Overall, the average lifespan of a laptop bombardment on a single charge probably ranges from equally low as 2-3 hours to every bit loftier as seven-8 (or more) hours.

Over again, though it actually but depends on what yous are doing with your laptop.

If yous have a high-powered gaming laptop and yous are spending the majority of your fourth dimension on your laptop playing games, you might exist lucky to but get 2-3 hours of playing before you demand to charge information technology.

If y'all're just spider web browsing or sending emails or whatsoever other kind of unproblematic tasks, you might be able to become 4-5 hours out of cheapest laptop batteries out there and as high as 10-12+ hours out of the best laptop batteries out there.

The other factor to consider is the age of your battery. Your battery is going to last a lot longer when it is make new than when it is ane-two years old. After extended use, a battery that used to last up to 4-five hours on a single charge may need to be charged every 2-3 hours after a year or so.

How to Prolong the Boilerplate Single Charge Duration for Your Laptop

  1. Reduce your screen's brightness
  2. Lower the amount of fourth dimension before your screen times out
  3. Keep a minimum amount of programs open at the same time
  4. Keep browser tabs to a minimum
  5. Use headphones over the laptop'southward speakers
  6. Plough off your laptop's WiFi when you don't need it
  7. Use a laptop libation (less estrus = longer battery life)
  8. Unplug your laptop once information technology'due south fully charged
  9. Carry a backup bombardment with yous

How Long Should A Laptop Battery Last (Until Information technology's No Longer Usable)

On average, a laptop battery should final anywhere from 300-500 full charges.

This number varies, of course, based on the type of bombardment you lot accept.

And, it's important to annotation that this number referencesfull charges. And then, if your battery gets down to ~30% life and you charge it back up, that doesn't count as a full accuse, just rather 70% of ane.

So, actually, there'southward no date-based answer on how long a laptop battery should last. It really all comes down to usage.

The more you use your laptop, the more it will need to exist charged. And, the more you accuse your laptop, the shorter the lifespan your bombardment will terminal.

If you desire tips on how to prolong the lifespan of your laptop's battery, run across the tips to a higher place on how to prolong a laptop's single accuse duration. Those are substantially the same things that will assist you lot increase the lifespan of your battery.


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