
How Long Does A Maternity Grant Take To Come Through

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Sure Start Maternity Grant 2021

This section is a help guide for claiming the Sure Start maternity grants. Find out if you qualify, how to apply for a DWP maternity grant, and how long it takes to process a claim using form SF100.

The primary aim of the Sure Start grant is to award financial help towards the cost of parenthood, especially after having your first child.

MATERNITY GRANT 2021: Are you on a low income and getting certain benefits for pregnant women?

If so, you most likely qualify for the 'one-off payment' towards the cost of motherhood - called the Sure Start Maternity Grant (SSMG).

A tax-free boost of £500 is for claimants who need help with the costs associated with giving birth and having a new baby.

The money helps to pay for maternity and infant products. The good news is that you do not have to repay the handout.

Claiming Sure Start Maternity Grant 2021 does not affect other benefits that you are entitled to. So, as a rule your tax credits will remain unchanged too.

Note: The eligibility criteria, and the process for claiming the subsidy, differ in Scotland. Instead, the Pregnancy and Baby Payment is part of the Best Start Grant allocated for parents and carers.

So, when can you apply?

The earliest that you can claim the pregnancy grant 2021 is within eleven (11) weeks of the due birth date. The last date for claiming DWP SSMG recently changed to six (6) months after the birth of the newborn.

As a general rule of thumb, you will qualify for the newborn baby grant if both of these circumstances apply:

  1. You are expecting your first child (or a multiple birth and you already have children).
  2. You or your partner are already getting certain qualifying benefits (check the list below).

Sure Start Maternity Grant How Much Will I Get?

Sure Start Maternity Grant How Much and How Long Does it Take?The tax-free one-off Sure Start Maternity Grant payment 2021 is £500. Meeting the eligibility criteria means you will not need to pay back the money.

Note: You may not qualify if you already have children. But, you can still apply for SSMG, even with children under 16, if (either):

  • You are expecting a multiple birth (e.g. twins or triplets).
  • You are looking after someone else's child who lives with you.

If You Already Have Children

Have Children Under 16? SSMG for Twins SSMG for Triplets
One (1) or more (none are from multiple births) £500 £1,000
If you already had twins £0 £500
If you already had triplets £0 £0

Note: Remember to claim DWP grants for pregnant women before the deadline date (see details below). Like most benefit entitlements, payments go straight into your bank or building society account.

Sure Start Maternity Grant Eligibility Criteria

So, what are the conditions and eligibility criteria for Sure Start 500 Maternity Grant? As a rule, you will qualify if there are no other children in your family and either you or your partner are already getting one of the qualifying benefits:

  • Child Tax Credit (at a rate higher than the family element)
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA)
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Income Support
  • Pension Credit
  • Universal Credit (UC)
  • Working Tax Credit (if it includes a disability or the severe disability element)

Note: The decision time on a claim would not happen until after the next payment if you receive Universal Credit. Getting a Support for Mortgage Interest loan means you may still claim Sure Start Maternity Grant.

Can You Claim SSMG if You Work?

As a rule, not being on any of the qualifying benefits means working mums cannot claim for the maternity costs before the birth of their child.

But, becoming eligible for Child Tax Credit (CTC) after the baby is born means you may be able to claim if you get a qualifying CTC award.

Adoption and Surrogate Parenting

In some cases, you may get a DWP baby grant if you are adopting a baby or becoming a surrogate parent. But, the baby would need to be less than one (1) years old on the claim date.

To apply for pregnancy grant 2021, if you are not actually giving birth, you must already be receiving one of the qualifying benefits and you (either):

  • Are now responsible for the baby but you are not the birth mother.
  • Have a parental order for a surrogate birth.
  • Have been appointed as the guardian of the baby.
  • Have an adoption or a residence order.
  • Had the baby placed with you for adoption or you have permission to adopt a baby from outside the United Kingdom.

Welsh Language Version: Grant Mamolaeth Cychwyn Cadarn: Gallech gael taliad untro o £500 i helpu tuag at gostau o gael plentyn.

How to Apply for Sure Start Maternity Grant

When can I apply for the maternity grant? First baby grant claims can start eleven (11) weeks before the week that the baby is due. The Sure Start Maternity Grant deadline is six (6) months after the birth of the baby.

So, when it is time to claim, go online and print off the Sure Start Maternity Grant claim form SF100. Fill in your details and then return it free of charge by postal methods.

Note: The same time limits would also apply if you are going to becoming responsible for someone else's child. Examples include circumstances through the adoption process or when a child is placed with you.

Sending a Claim Form to Freepost DWP SSMG

This is the Sure Start Maternity Grant postal address to send the application form. Fill in the Sure Start Maternity Grant form SF100 and then either:

  1. Take it to the local Jobcentre Plus Office.
  2. Mail it to 'Freepost DWP SSMG' address (does not require a stamp or postcode).

If You Need Help with a Claim for SSMG

Sure Start Maternity Grant Helpline Contact Number
Telephone: 0800 169 0140
UK Phone Call Charges.

Note: A health professional, often a doctor or midwife, must sign your SF100 claim form. Following that, you will get a confirmation letter if your claim for Sure Start Maternity Grant is successful. A different form and mailing address exists for claimants living in Northern Ireland.

How Long Does Sure Start Maternity Grant Take?

We understand the urgency to get your £500 baby grant. So, you may be wondering about the Sure Start Maternity Grant decision time and asking 'how long does it take to be accepted and to process in 2021'?

There are examples where expectant mothers received the payment within seven (7) working days. But, generally you should allow at least ten (10) working days before you see the money go in the bank.

The first response you get from DWP Maternity Grant is likely to be a text message. When you do hear back from them, the message you get could read something like:

"We have received your claim for a Sure Start Maternity Grant 2021. You will get a letter with a decision within 10 working days. You do not need to contact us. If we need anything further we will contact you".

Note: The UK Rules created a video that explains more about SSMG and how the process works. Watch it on YouTube to subscribe for more videos.

Sure Start Maternity Grant How Long Does it Take to Come Through?


How Long Does A Maternity Grant Take To Come Through


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